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The talents of the "Sinistra" school allow for manipulative magic and thought control. Use "Devour Soul" to regenerate Health, Mana, and Stamina out of dead enemies and "Entropic Slave" to make an enemy a walking bomb for a short time.


Especially at higher difficulties talents are extremely useful. You are an assassin and your enemies spotted you? Blind your enemies with "Flash Powder" and search for a new hideout.


Buy and read Learning Books! While you may survive a fight untrained at the beginning, more dangerous enemies and regions will require improved skills.


If the difficulty level "Master" is too easy for you, you can change it to "Iron Path." Be Warned: Only the most experienced of adventurers should take that challenge!


If a mage doesn't pay heed to his Arcane Fever - or even worse, never learns how to control his magic - he succumbs to it. In the worst case, he is transformed into an abominable creature called an Oorbâya. Or, in the vernacular, the "Blue Death."


When you lose money while gambling, your opponent will only have a part of your money on himself on his way home.


In the evening and at night you can gamble in taverns. However if you part your opponents from their cash, they will only play with you again after a few days.


Taking an item which does not belong to you in busy areas counts as thievery - which only becomes a problem if you are seen.


Only the most talented of novices manage to become Keepers or arcanists. The others often join the clergy and become mothers or priests, some even merely adjutants, or assistants.


Inâl is the language which is spoken on all continents of the civilized world - which are the ones ruled by the Light-Born. Nonetheless, each country has its own original language, especially Qyra and Kilé.


Items are best stored either in your home or in a Secure Chest. Things which you store in other containers may not be there anymore when you return to them.


Attacking with two weapons doubles your damage but also takes away your ability to block.


Over the last two years, Enderal has been plagued by a strange sickness, called the "Red Madness" in the vernacular, which makes peaceful people commit senseless acts of violence.


If you wear light armor or robes, you should use your speed to dodge attacks by moving backwards.


A successful power attack breaks the guard of an enemy and makes them stagger.


How many charges a staff has depends on your knowledge in the respective school of magic. If for example you have a high level in elemental magic, you can use a fire staff longer than an amateur.


Glacier Hounds live in the northern mountains of Enderal. Hunting them is forbidden by the Order due to their low numbers.


According to an old Endrealean legend, a creature which calls itself the "Black Guardian" lives in the deepest depths of the Undercity.


During the game you will find rare armor pieces, which are parts of sets. The more parts of a certain set you find and wear, the stronger the enchantment that it grants you will be.


Endraleans are bound by the Paths of their fathers and forefathers - although the son of a shepherd, who is on the "Manufacturer's Path," can also learn the craft of a pelt monger, "higher" appointments are reserved for those who walk a higher path.


According to legend, gigantic lizard-like creatures, called "dragons" in the vernacular, linger in the Frostcliff Mountains. However, few have survived an encounter with them.


For defeating enemies, finishing quests, or other achievements, you receive experience points. Once you have gathered enough of them you level up.


"The Path" is the holy scripture of the Endraleans and its 101 verses are the spiritual guidelines for any path-abiding citizen.


You move slower with your weapon drawn!


The heath in the west of Enderal is called the Suncoast. It is regarded as peaceful and fruitful, nonetheless it is mostly uninhabited.


Elemental creatures emerge in places with much magical energy. They are aggressive as well as very dangerous.


In the year 8223 after Starfall, the Order decreed that any trade with other continents was to be reduced to a bare minimum in Enderal.


Not all animals which you meet are aggressive - however there is still merit in culling them. Their meat, their tusks, and their fur - all can be sold for profit to merchants.


Thalgard was polluted 6136 a. St. through an irresponsible experiment by a Keeper called Dal'Marak. He was the mastermind behind an expedition whose aim was to found a second large city in Enderal's east. The land turned out to be barren and the expedition was marked as a failure. However, Dal'Marak refused to give up and resorted to magical means ...


Enderal's east coast features tropical beaches which are rich in fish. Products like peaceweed, bananas, and dates are grown amongst other things and find their way to Ark by long caravan routes.


Since the rumors of the Light-Borns' death started to appear, many animals have gotten unusually aggressive - especially pack animals like wolves. Arcanists assume that they suffer from the same illness which has already made more than a dozen people go insane: the Red Madness.


While Pus Beetles are mainly found in the Powder Desert, they also live in old ruins and tombs. While they do not look very imposing - many reckless treasure hunters have succumbed to their poison.


Rivercrabs live at lakes, seashores, or big rivers. The smaller specimen poses almost no risk, but many ignorant people have already died between the pincers of the enormous King Crab.


"Lost Ones" are the dead who have been resurrected as mindless creatures. In the past these reanimations were rare magical anomalies, but ever since the Red Madness broke out more and more reports from scared wanderers, who tell of hordes of raised dead in caves, crypts, or even woods, arrive at the Ark Guard.


Many Endraleans keep dogs - as shepherds, comrades for hunting, or even just as loyal companions.


According to legend, the first arps were a young Endralean couple who strayed from the righteous path.


On both the fields of the Suncoast and the farms of the Heartland, cows are raised which provide the Endraleans with meat, milk, and hide.


Need food, but your penny pouch is empty? Hunt a deer and cook it with a bit of salt at a fireplace.


You move more slowly in heavy armor - especially if you are unskilled in using it.


You should also talk with common people like villagers or wanderers. Sometimes you can trade with them or get useful information.


The Rhalâta is a sect housing in the tunnels of the Undercity and led by the mysterious "Father". Every moon each denizen of the Undercity has to pay them a tribute - or they will lose their protection.


Before the time of Asâtoron, and thus before the beginning of the current era, the mysterious Pyreans ruled the world. Who or what caused their downfall is debated fervently by scholars. What is known is that modern-day Enderal was one of the most densely populated areas during the time of the Pyreans - which is why you can find many more ruins there than in other countries of the civilized world.


Many stirring events and lore have been gathered in Endralean folk songs over the course of centuries. Visit a tavern to listen to the bards!


Malphas, also called the Guardian of the Light-Born, is the Light-Born whose name represents a strict but fair rule. The Keepers of the Order, who have enforced the Light-Borns' will throughout Vyn in the past, worship him.


The names of Enderal's months represent the different stages of the "Far Journey," the expansion of Enderal by Malphas' first vassals.


Some of the rarest and strongest weapons have to be crafted according to a blueprint.


A gathering of farms under the patronage of Landlord Borek is spread out over the Heartland west of Ark. They provide food not only for Ark but also for most of the villages.


Attacks can be blocked by both weapons and shields. However, shields are much more effective, especially if you are skilled in using them.


Normally, merchants will always sell Learning Books which correspond to their goods. That means that a blacksmith can sell you books for two-handed combat, and an arcanist books of magic.


Unlike Health, Mana and Stamina slowly regenerate by themselves. However, in combat you should accelerate this process with potions.


Talents can be developed up to Tier III with the help of Memory Points. Higher tiers have better effects or add completely new ones.


Block! With a shield and a high skill value in Blocking, you can resist a great deal of damage.


A power attack on a blocking enemy breaks through the block.


At certain points in the game you can converse with your companions to learn more about them. Use these opportunities - some of these conversations aren't available anymore once you have passed a set point in the story!


"Sheathe" your weapon to put an already nocked arrow back into your quiver.


Choose your words wisely. Decisions or statements which contradict the world view of your conversation partner, or even hurt their feelings, can be accompanied by a sympathy loss...


You can find blueprints scattered in the game world, but also in the inventory of some merchants. If you want to craft an item, you need the corresponding blueprint, the needed raw materials and a sufficiently high value in handicraft to make them at a forge, workbench or tanning rack.


If you hit a frozen enemy with a weapon or spell there is a chance to shatter them. Blunt weapons and lightning spells increase this chance!


The discipline "Blade Dancer" teaches you skills and talents which support a fast, risky, and deadly fighting style with one or two one-handed weapons.


Great power belongs to the memories which you can use since your near-death experience. Meditate after every level-up to unlock these memories!


The higher the skill level which a Learning Book can teach you, the more money it costs. Do not waste your expert books if an apprentice book would suffice.


The magical school of Entropy allows you to summon creatures from other realities to fight for you, to trap the souls of your enemies into Pyrean crystals, and to unleash death magic upon your opponents. But be warned - as powerful as Entropy may be, it is just as dangerous to its wielder.


The Psionics - one of the most infamous schools of magic - allows its devotees to control the minds of their enemies, and by doing so turn them into submissive puppets. A psionicist can also unleash blasts of pure power of thought, which can severely limit an enemy's perception.


The school of Mentalism allows you to summon spectral shields from your bare hands, to make yourself invisible, or to make your skin as hard as iron.


Spells of Light Magic enable self-healing, allow for a boost of your natural resistances, and can banish the undead.


"Prologue - A New Life"


To learn new spells you have to read spell tomes - which are destroyed in the process.


Press and hold the left mouse button for a short time to fire an arrow with full power.


If too many quest targets appear on your compass, you should check your Journal to see whether you have more than one active mission selected.


Talents can be used at any time and trigger a cooldown for the respective talent. Use your shortcut keys to switch talents quickly in combat.


If your Health, Mana, or Stamina bar is flashing, you cannot perform the action which you just attempted due to low energy.


If you attack an enemy while sneaking and being concealed, your attack deals much more damage! The memories of the Infiltrator can further increase that damage.


When you are sneaking the eye symbolizes the degree of your concealment. If it is closed you are concealed; if it is partly open somebody is searching for you. If it is completely open you were discovered by somebody.


Crafting points can be used to raise skills which only indirectly influence the battle: Alchemy, Enchanting, Sleight of Hand, Handicraft, Lockpicking, and Rhetorics.


A power attack can stagger an enemy.


A greatsword can be swung faster than a battleaxe, and a battleaxe faster than a warhammer.


Swords are faster than axes, and axes are faster than maces and warhammers.


Bashing with a shield or a weapon staggers your enemies. If used at the right moment, you can interrupt your enemies' attacks.


While moving in combat press the left mouse button to perform a power attack. Moving in different directions results in different power attacks.


You need Stamina to perform power attacks or to jump. Hence it is an indispensable attribute for warriors. Sprinting in heavy armor consumes more Stamina than it would if you were wearing light armor or even robes.


Your Mana determines how many spells you can cast before your mind becomes exhausted.


At "Silren and Friends," the bank in Ark's Marketplace, you can invest your hard-earned pennies and profit from the interest after a while.


Aeterna are feared or even hated in many countries of the civilized world. Although some of these prejudices can also be experienced in Enderal, they are much less prevalent there.


Skaragg is the race which inhabits the harsh, rocky islands south of the abandoned continent of Arktwend. They do not belong to the civilized world, and their bloodthirsty culture is deemed to be barbaric and primitive.


"How foolish it is for us to question our life night and day. We will never find any answers, for we do not possess the divinity of our lord, who is doing everything to give to us a fine life. Even when the path is difficult, we must pursue it. Not for our own good, but for the good of all." - The Prudent Boy and the Righteous Path


Your alchemy as well as your knowledge of wearing light armor can be improved with the memories of the Vagrant.


Look out for grindstones, anvils, and workbenches. These can be used to craft items from blueprints or to enhance your weapons.


You can travel quickly and safely through Enderal on the back of a myrad.


Save often! Make sure to save the game every now and then via the ESC menu.


"I led them to the light. I alone." - Unknown


You can cure your diseases at priests in temples and chapels.


In each city, as well as in some places in the wilderness, you can find Secure Chests. Therein you may store your belongings without risking that they will be gone the next time you open it. You also can access its contents with every other Secure Chest in Enderal.


The dark-skinned Qyranians live in family communes: multiple women and men who bring up their children together.


According to the Order, Enderal was a deserted continent before Malphas' vassals settled onto it.


Endraleans do not see death as the end of all life, but instead as a transition into a new life. If one lived path-abidingly and righteously, the "Eternal Paths" await him after his last journey: they are a paradise, created by Malphas for all those who pledged allegiance to him.


Whenever you make decisions you need to keep in mind that most people are only telling their version of the truth ... or are simply lying.


Your Health regenerates out of combat only when you are sated. There are two types of food: prepared and raw. Raw food, like an apple, regenerates Health briefly; prepared food like soup will restore it over a longer period.


"Beautiful and proud, the ruler of the Undercity. Her sinful womb bore fruit and horror grew along." - The Song of the Vatyrs


Read books, explore old ruins, and pay attention to what people tell you on your travels. Sometimes one has to dig deep to discover the whole truth.


In front of Ark's city gates you can buy a horse for a small price which will help you to travel faster through the game world.


Enemies frozen with the Elementalism talent "Arctic Wind" can be shattered - blunt weapons, certain relics or lightning spells raise the chance to shatter frozen enemies!


"Lockpicking" enables you to pick higher leveled locks - even without the corresponding memory! As well as that it raises the amount of money you can find in a chest.


"Sleight of Hand" raises both your success rate in pickpocketing as well as your chance to find a hidden stash in a big chest. Depending on the the size of the stash you can also find some of the most valuable items in the game in them.


Traders like Kurro in Riverville, Gabor Gaboff in Ark or Zorkban in the Undercity, or sometimes even travelers have rare artifacts to sell every now and then.


If you have an enchanted weapon equipped, the remaining charge of the weapon is shown as a bar above your Mana or Stamina bar.


Rumors from Nehrim have it that the Light-Borns all died two years ago from the blade of an unknown person. The Order denies this categorically.


Keep an eye out for moon carrot while exploring the world - its sap can regenerate a part of your Health once.


Distinct elemental spells have different secondary effects: Fire sets your enemies on fire, frost drains a part of their Stamina, and shock drains a part of their Mana.


Which disciplines synergize with one another can be learned through experimenting, pondering, or from hidden hints within the game world.


Read books! While some help you to gain a deeper insight into Enderal's story, others unlock whole quest lines - such as "Myths and Legends" of the now deceased Archmagister Gawayn Girathû, for example.


Some talents form synergies - create a puddle with "Snaketongue Oil" and ignite it with a fire arrow, or use "Archaic Might" while "Eye of the Storm" is in effect.


Rhetoric not only unlocks additional dialog options (which grant you a small experience bonus), but also improves the prices for which you can buy or sell things from or to merchants.


If you invest in the memories of the Warrior you will unlock combat stances. These grant permanent bonuses, but also penalties - which combat stance is the right one for you depends on your playing style.


Scholars label the tremendous meteorite impact, which split the original continent of Pangora in the year zero, as "Starfall." The resulting continents and islands are now called Vyn.


Pennies are indispensable for the development of your character. You need them to buy equipment and Learning Books, which are important especially at higher difficulty levels. So do your utmost to have your pouch filled at all times - be it through exploration, crafting, quests, or share certificates.


The talent "Arctic Wind" allows you to freeze enemies at your level or lower for multiple seconds. Especially for mages or lightly-equipped characters, this talent can provide a protection which shouldn't be underestimated!


Self-made armors and weapons are usually better than ones that have been bought or found. It is worthwhile to raise one's Handicraft skill!


During the course of the game you will gather enough Memory Points to completely develop at most three disciplines. If you combine two complementary disciplines, you unlock an "affinity" which grants you a unique and permanent bonus.


The higher your Handicraft skill is, the higher the quality of the crafted items you can make. Even if your skill level allows you to craft an item - the workmanship of a master differs from that of an expert.


By using food and alcoholic drinks you can replenish your Health and Mana outside of combat. However, while in combat you need alchemical ingredients or potions to do so.


When you are absent from a city or an area for multiple days, you will find fresh flora and fauna when returning. Merchants also restock their inventories while you are away and occasionally have new things for sale, too.


An experienced hunter knows the behavior of the Endralean fauna. Some species fight in a pack while others are solitary.


According to the Order, being undead is a punishment from Malphas which smites those who were pathless in life - they are refused entry into the "Eternal Paths" and instead are forced to wander the world as soulless monsters.


"There will be those who stray completely off their given path and lead a life of malice and infidelity. They shall be judged by the path-abiding ones with the sword or live their pitiful lives as lost, like the 24 pathless ones on their ship, until they shall be redeemed from their deserved torments by the blade." - The Path, Verse LXXXIV


While most drogae like peaceweed, tobacco, or alcohol can be freely used in Enderal, the production and consumption of "Glimmercapdust" (which is also called "Glimmerdust") is forbidden. While the dust triggers strong feelings of happiness even when consumed in small quantities, it also has drastic after-effects on the body, starting with the first consumption. Capdust addicts are called "Dust Corpses" in the vernacular.


Visit taverns! You can restock your supplies, hear the latest rumors, or simply listen to the bards.


When you are sneaking, the eye symbolizes the degree of your concealment. If it is closed you are concealed; if it is partly open somebody is searching for you. If it is completely open you have been discovered by someone.


Due to the remoteness of their country, the Endraleans are regarded as an opinionated and prudish people. Advanced civilizations like the Qyranians or the Kilé sneer at their backward-looking culture and associated superstitions.


The "Last Journey" is a ritual which takes place after death in which the deceased are taken to a special place from their lives to attend one last sunset there. At the conclusion, the body is incinerated and the ash scattered at that location.


The requirements for the Order's novices are high. Before they can advance to the rank of Keeper, they must first undergo a trial which puts more than their fighting ability to the test ...


Especially on higher difficulty levels it is necessary to use talents tactically in combat - many of them can be combined and cause synergistic effects if used together. Experiment with them!


The culture of the eccentric Starlings is recorded in the old prophecies: According to them, they originated in a far away place among the stars. Although the first Starlings were indeed seen only after the meteorite impact, which is recorded in history as the "Starfall," most scholars have dismissed these prophecies as humbug.


When you are reading a Learning Book, its corresponding skill is raised - which costs a Learning Point and the price of the Learning Book. Learning Books can either be bought from merchants or found in the game world.


Students of Elementalism are capable of transforming the air around them into cones of ice, flinging lightning bolts at their enemies, or summoning flames from their fingertips.


Explore the world off the beaten path, too! Quite often you will come across magic symbols, ice claws, or hidden treasures.


The spell "Detect Life" of the Mentalist school is especially useful for characters who like to operate while hidden.


Nobody knows exactly how Pyrean crystals - sometimes called "soul gems" - work. What is clear, however, is that the stored energy in them can be used to return the magical power of enchanted items.


The discipline "Keeper" improves your usage of heavy armors and shields and teaches you valuable defensive abilities.


The memories of the "Infiltrator" teach you how to be successful at both sneaking and assassination, as well as haggling and debating.


The discipline "Vagrant" improves your knowledge about light armors and alchemy. Its talents, on the other hand, allow you to throw oil bottles in front of your enemies, or even let you use Starling technology.


Light Magic and Mentalism allow you to cast spectral shields, healing spells, or spells which are especially powerful against the undead. Unlock the memories of the "Thaumaturge" to improve your handling of them!


The memories of the "Sinistra" train you in Entropy and Psionics. They improve your conjurations, entropic magic, and the manipulation of your enemies.


Tomes, which teach you new spells, can either be bought in the Sun Temple in Ark or from traveling arcanists - mages who are not part of the Order, but also are not wild mages.


The discipline tree of the "Trickster" teaches you how to efficiently use a bow and pick locks. Its talents allow you to use fire arrows or even to slow down time for a period.


The memories of the "Elementalist" allow you to summon flame walls, freeze enemies, and unleash thunderbolts.


The memories of the "Vandal" enhance the power of your attacks with two-handed weapons. On top of that, they allow the use of some devastating offensive talents.


Most shops open at eight o'clock in the morning and close at the same time in the evening.


For every craftable item, be it a dagger, armor, or artifact, you need a certain amount of "spare parts." Search in barrels, crates, or chests for them and store them - you will need them!


The effect of a poisoned weapon only lasts for one hit - the memories of the Vagrant teach you to make them more effective.


Continue studying in the arts of Alchemy to brew powerful potions and poisons - which you will need especially at higher difficulty levels!


"Enderal is the only country in the civilized world which is ruled solely by the Light-Born's Order - in particular by its Grandmaster. In all other countries - Arazeal, Kilé, Qyra, and Nehrim - the Order is sharing or has shared its power with a monarch. Therefore Enderal is regarded as the epitome of theocracy."

Loading Screen Tips (Forgotten Stories)

Although they are not needed, the alchemy strenghtening memories of the Vagabond are extremly useful for Lycanthropes.


The memories of the Infiltrator also improve the sneaking and sneak attacks in wolf form!


Producing chymica is quite time-consuming but they allow you to handle even the hardest challenges in wolf form.


During transformation you are invulnerable.


You can find recipes for chymica and wolf blood elixirs scattered throughout the world - they save you from having to experiment for the right ingredients.


The sprinting attack of the Lycanthrope is one of the strongest attacks in the game. With the right memories unlocked it can even throw back your enemies.


Buy a blueprint collection from the banker Silren in Ark to file your blueprints. The filed blueprints can be used at any smithy, tanning racks or smelter - as if they would be in your inventory.


You can brew Ambrosia at an alchemist workbench with the correct ingredients, too! Experiment yourself or unlock the corresponding memories in the Vagrant tree.


The Phasmalist's ability to summon his apparition to his location at any time can also be very useful in battle - for example to get it out of the way of a fireball.


Some monsters have resistances for certain types of damage - Boneripper are resistant to fire, but weak to frost, Ancestral Spirits are resistant to magic but weak to poison.


One can mostly - but not always - find souls near corpses. Whether these are freshly deceased or already skeletonized does not matter. Just look out for the soul echo which can already be heard over a long distance.


Apparitions do not regenerate health themselves and cannot use healing potions. Use the spells of the Light Magic to heal them. While these cause Arcane Fever, the amount of fever is lessened compared to using it on yourself.


While every soul is unique they can be categorized into 4 classes: Warrior, marksman, mage and mercenary. Mercenaries usually combine two styles.


To bind souls in amulets you need a filled soul gem and other ingredients. You can find those in the wilderness or occasionally buy them from alchemists or wild mages.


To catch a soul you need the corresponding rank of the talent "Net of Souls". To create an apparition amulet out of it, you need some unique ingredients, a soul gem and the corresponding memory from the Phasmalism skill tree.


There are four souls per rank, all of which have different strengths and weaknesses. Stronger souls can be found at more dangerous places.


Phasmalism or the creation and summoning of apparitions belong to the school of Sinistra and are forbidden on Enderal. As such you won't be able to find any phasmalism benches at places governed by the Order.


Mystical spell tomes contain extremly powerful spells and can be found or bought for much money from certain merchants once you are level 55 or above. If you want to learn them you need to have unlocked the master memory of the corresponding magic school and a correspondng skill value of above 90.


The psionic spell "Psychosis" allows you to make hit enemies much weaker against all kinds of damage after three consecutive hits. The strength of the weakness depends on your skill value in Psionics.


Psionics and Entropy are forbidden on Enderal - that's why you often won't find any spell tomes or learnings books for them at normal magic traders. Though you may be able find some persons who sell them at more unusual places.


According to rumors there is an arena in the Undercity in which people are fighting life-and-death battles.


Next to those which you can learn from the class trees there are 3 hidden talents per class to find in the world. Look out for rare tomes.


These tips were extracted from "skyrim_english.strings" and "enderal - forgotten stories_english.strings" game files.