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Revision as of 14:02, 19 September 2019 by Phantasy-Worlds (Talk | contribs) (Created template for memory trees and tables. Experimental!)

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This template is used to visualize memory trees and tables. It can create a tree and/or a table containing memory related informations.
Each memory can have the following informations:

  • Name: Name of the memory (Required )
  • Desc: General description of the memory
  • Tier: Informations about different tiers (Example: I: Reduce mana cost by 5%, II: Reduce mana cost by 10%, ...)
  • IsTalent: Flag that tells the template if this memory is a talent or a passive skill.

Each parameter also has it's level (01 to 10) and it's position (L=Left, M=Mid, R=Right) as postfix.
Example: The parameters for level 1, center position are: Name01M, Desc01M, Tier01M and IsTalent01M
If you use less than 10 layers then please omit the highest layers. Do not omit layers in between.
Base idea from the german wiki template Vorlage:Erinnerungsbaum

Parameter list

  • NameXXY: Memory name. Replace XX with the layer (01 - 10) and Y with the position (L, M, R).
  • DescXXY: General description. Replace XX with the layer (01 - 10) and Y with the position (L, M, R).
  • TierXXY: Informations about different tiers. Replace XX with the layer (01 - 10) and Y with the position (L, M, R).
  • IsTalentXXY: Flag for talents. Replace XX with the layer (01 - 10) and Y with the position (L, M, R). Only specify for talents (not for passives).
  • ColorPassive: Contains the background color for passive memories in the tree. Required unless NoTree is set.
  • ColorTalent: Contains the background color for talents in the tree. Required unless NoTree is set
  • NoTree: If this parameter is present, then the template will NOT create a memory tree.
  • NoTable: If this parameter is present, then the template will NOT create a memory table.
  • TreePrefix: Will be placed in front of the tree (unless NoTree is set).
  • TablePrefix: Will be placed in front of the table (unless NoTable is set). If this is not set and a tree was created, then a newline automatically added between tree and table.

Memories without a name will be ignored. ColorPassive and ColorTalent are required unless NoTree is set. All other parameters are optional.


  • The tree is not able to correctly display empty rows in the middle. Example: Specifying Name01M and Name03L but not Name02L or Name02M will cause issues.
  • Line breaks (using <br/>) in descriptions breaks the tree.
  • It's advised to escape < and > if they're not used as html/wiki tags (&lt; and &gt;).
  • Color codes with a # sign must be escaped. Example: "ColorPassive = \#CCC" instead of "ColorPassive = #CCC".
    • Verify me: Is this only required in the examples on this page?


Example 1

Example for a normal memory tree. The used source code is:

|TreePrefix = ====Example 1 Tree====
|TablePrefix = ====Example 1 Table====
|ColorPassive = \#041737
|ColorTalent  = \#0A1989
|Name01M = Ex1 Level01
|Desc01M = Base talent
|Tier01M = I: 5% reduction<br/>II: 10% reduction<br/>III: 15% reduction
|IsTalent01M = y
|Name02M = Ex1 Level02
|Desc02M = Descriptions are optional (see below)
|Tier02M = Tiers are also optional (see below)
|Name03M = Ex1 Level03
|Name04L = Ex1 Level04 Left
|Name04M = Ex1 Level04
|Name04R = Ex1 Level04 Right
|Name05M = Ex1 Level05
|Desc05M = This is a talent
|IsTalent05M = y
|Name06L = Ex1 Level06 Left
|Name06M = Ex1 Level06
|Name06R = Ex1 Level06 Right
|Name07M = Ex1 Level07
|Name08M = Ex1 Level08
|Name09L = Ex1 Level09 Left
|Name09M = Ex1 Level09
|Desc09M = Really long description with the intention to force a line break. Though it may not be long enough depending on your screen resolution. But hey, at least i tried :< Oh and this is a talent.
|IsTalent09M = y
|Name09R = Ex1 Level09 Right
|Name10M = Ex1 Level10

Example 1 Tree

Ex1 Level10
Ex1 Level09 Left Ex1 Level09 Ex1 Level09 Right
Ex1 Level08
Ex1 Level07
Ex1 Level06 Left Ex1 Level06 Ex1 Level06 Right
Ex1 Level05
Ex1 Level04 Left Ex1 Level04 Ex1 Level04 Right
Ex1 Level03
Ex1 Level02
Ex1 Level01

Example 1 Table

Memory Description Tiers Type
Ex1 Level01
Base talent I: 5% reduction
II: 10% reduction
III: 15% reduction
Ex1 Level02
Descriptions are optional (see below) Tiers are also optional (see below) Passive
Ex1 Level03
Ex1 Level04 Left
Ex1 Level04
Ex1 Level04 Right
Ex1 Level05
This is a talent Talent
Ex1 Level06 Left
Ex1 Level06
Ex1 Level06 Right
Ex1 Level07
Ex1 Level08
Ex1 Level09 Left
Ex1 Level09
Really long description with the intention to force a line break. Though it may not be long enough depending on your screen resolution. But hey, at least i tried :< Oh and this is a talent. Talent
Ex1 Level09 Right
Ex1 Level10

Example 2

This example sets ALL possible memories. No TablePrefix or TreePrefix.

Ex2 Left 10 Ex2 Middle 10 Ex2 Right 10
Ex2 Left 09 Ex2 Middle 09 Ex2 Right 09
Ex2 Left 08 Ex2 Middle 08 Ex2 Right 08
Ex2 Left 07 Ex2 Middle 07 Ex2 Right 07
Ex2 Left 06 Ex2 Middle 06 Ex2 Right 06
Ex2 Left 05 Ex2 Middle 05 Ex2 Right 05
Ex2 Left 04 Ex2 Middle 04 Ex2 Right 04
Ex2 Left 03 Ex2 Middle 03 Ex2 Right 03
Ex2 Left 02 Ex2 Middle 02 Ex2 Right 02
Ex2 Left 01 Ex2 Middle 01 Ex2 Right 01

Memory Description Tiers Type
Ex2 Left 01
Description 01L Tier 01 L Talent
Ex2 Middle 01
Description 01M Tier 01 M Passive
Ex2 Right 01
Description 01R Tier 01 R Passive
Ex2 Left 02
Description 02L Tier 02 L Passive
Ex2 Middle 02
Description 02M Tier 02 M Talent
Ex2 Right 02
Description 02R Tier 02 R Passive
Ex2 Left 03
Description 03L Tier 03 L Passive
Ex2 Middle 03
Description 03M Tier 03 M Passive
Ex2 Right 03
Description 03R Tier 03 R Talent
Ex2 Left 04
Description 04L Tier 04 L Passive
Ex2 Middle 04
Description 04M Tier 04 M Passive
Ex2 Right 04
Description 04R Tier 04 R Passive
Ex2 Left 05
Description 05L I: Tier 05 L
II: Tier 05 L
III: Tier 05 L
Ex2 Middle 05
Description 05M Tier 05 M Passive
Ex2 Right 05
Description 05R Tier 05 R Passive
Ex2 Left 06
Description 06L Tier 06 L Passive
Ex2 Middle 06
Description 06M Tier 06 M Talent
Ex2 Right 06
Description 06R Tier 06 R Passive
Ex2 Left 07
Description 07L Tier 07 L Passive
Ex2 Middle 07
Description 07M Tier 07 M Passive
Ex2 Right 07
Description 07R Tier 07 R Talent
Ex2 Left 08
Description 08L Tier 08 L Passive
Ex2 Middle 08
Description 08M Tier 08 M Passive
Ex2 Right 08
Description 08R Tier 08 R Passive
Ex2 Left 09
Description 09L Tier 09 L Passive
Ex2 Middle 09
Description 09M Tier 09 M Talent
Ex2 Right 09
Description 09R Tier 09 R Passive
Ex2 Left 10
Description 10L Tier 10 L Passive
Ex2 Middle 10
Description 10M Tier 10 M Passive
Ex2 Right 10
Description 10R Tier 10 R Passive

Example 3

Empty tree+table



Memory Description Tiers Type

Example 4

This example breaks the tree on purpose to show the limitations:

<span title="This description
breaks the tree.">Ex4 Level09</span>
Ex4 Level08
Ex4 Level06Talent
Ex4 Level05Left Ex4 Level05 Ex4 Level05Right
Ex4 Level04Left Ex4 Level04Center Ex4 Level04Right
Ex4 Level01

Memory Description Tiers Type
Ex4 Level01
Description 01M I: 5% reduction
II: 10% reduction
III: 15% reduction
Ex4 Level04Left
Ex4 Level04Center
Description 04M Any text Passive
Ex4 Level04Right
Ex4 Level05Left
Ex4 Level05
Description 05M Passive
Ex4 Level05Right
Ex4 Level06Talent
Description 06M Talent
Ex4 Level08
Description 08M Passive
Ex4 Level09
This description
breaks the tree.

Example 5

Small example to show the issue with colors (tree only):

  1. BBB; text-align:center; height:3em; border-style:solid; border-width:1px;"|Ex5 ColorFail02||
  1. 222; text-align:center; height:3em; border-style:solid; border-width:1px;"|Ex5 ColorFail01||