Enderal:On the High Sea
Far off the Map from the Southern coast of Powder Desert
"On the High Sea" is an unmarked location in Enderal. It is accessible from the overworld. Note that this location is Quest-Related, and accessing this area before completing the Main Quest Part of Something Momentous, Part IV can break the Main Questline if you get too close to the area's Boat. Ignore the Boat, and you are perfectly fine.
It is highly recommended to: Make a Hard Save before accessing this location. Also bring a Teleport Scroll, or have the Mark and Recall spells, with a Mark already placed. You should complete the Main Quest Part of Something Momentous, Part IV. And if you're here for the Kilania's Secrets: Glacial Bomb (Tier III) book because you missed it during that Quest, you're better off using the command to spawn it, or abandon it, as you must use a command to access it anyway.
To access it, one must swim to the correct location in The Red Sea. The location is off the map, and further away than the Isle of Kor. To find it, travel to Aurora's House, the White building South-West of Duneville's Supply Ship. Facing the entry way, walk to the building's right a few feet, walk into the water, and swim exactly South from here without stooping. The swim will take roughly 6 minutes and 50 seconds in real time at "Default" Swim Speed; Swim Speed with no armor, and no Movement Speed abilities.
Note that one can increase their Swim Speed by any means of increasing Movement Speed, such as unequipping armor, using the Warrior Blade Dancer Memory, "Qyranian Stance", or by other means.
You will need to be able to see under the water somehow, either by swimming underwater, or using the camera angle. You will be looking for a large rock/boulder. It will be the only object visible, other than the sea floor and the water for quite a distance. It is best to time yourself and begin looking roughly 6 minutes in, based on default swim speed. On the South end of the underwater Rock, the screen will prompt "To On the High Sea". Swimming into it in just the right place will allow the player to "enter" the High Sea.
"On the High Sea" is an interior cell that appears like an Exterior; Sky, horizon, and water in all directions. There is a small Boat with a female NPC aboard called "Fisherwoman". If you have not been here before during any Quests, DO NOT PROCEED towards the Boat. You may swim back towards where you appeared (West of the Boat) to return to Enderal (Shows as "To Vyn, Enderal"). This spot will be marked with a Quest Icon if you have any active quest.
Using Commands:
If you have completed the Main Quest Part of Something Momentous, Part IV, you should be fine to board the Boat. However, there is an invisible barrier around the Boat, so one must use the Console Command TCL (Toggle Collision). You also can not get back to the water without use of TCL. You can find a copy of Kilania's Secrets: Glacial Bomb (Tier III) on board, if it was missed before. The book is inaccessible through the invisible barrier, TCL or other commands must be used. One must now use a Teleport Scroll, or the Recall spell to exit the area. Without these, one must reload a previous save or use other Commands.
Speed Command: One can swim to the area faster with use of the Console command player.setav speedmult X where X is your Speed Multiplier (Default is 95, or 114 with Qyranian Stance.) One can set this to 500, 1000, 2000 or even higher. Recommended not to exceed 2000, as this speed is more than enough, and too much speed can cause issues or crash the game. This command resets on Reloading, or Relaunching the Game.