Template:Quest Stage
From sureai
This template is to be used in conjunction with Quest Stages-Start, Quest Stages-End, and Quest Objective to make a Quest Stages table.
Quest Stages Start
- header (Optional): If set to 0, doesn't generate the default header before the table
Quest Stage
- 1: The index of the stage
- 2 (Optional): The journal entry of the stage
- finishes (Optional):
if the stage completes the quest,fail
if it fails the quest
Quest Objective
- 1: The index of the stage
- 2: The description of the stage
Quest Stages End
- empty (Optional): A comma-separated list of quest stages, in increasing order, that were ommited from the table for being empty.
- globals (Optional): If set to 1, creates a notice explaining objects that start with
{{Quest Stages-Start|header=0}} {{Quest Stage|10| I have found a website. I should investigate it. {{Quest Objective|5|Investigate the website}} }} {{Quest Stage|15| Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vitae libero metus. Pellentesque eu ex elementum leo interdum vulputate eu et nisi. Quisque suscipit ipsum vitae ipsum facilisis, quis pharetra dui imperdiet. Etiam id lectus lacinia, varius leo sit amet, rutrum tortor. Morbi ornare neque in venenatis accumsan. Duis non nisi vitae arcu sagittis fringilla id in nulla. Fusce tortor magna, cursus a est sed, tincidunt finibus mauris. Nullam non felis mi. Suspendisse nulla lorem, convallis non nunc nec, mattis consequat lectus. Cras aliquet molestie dolor, ac sollicitudin eros vestibulum at. Sed egestas orci augue, vitae varius orci aliquet ac. }} {{Quest Stage|20| The website appears to be a wiki. I should contribute to it. {{Quest Objective|10|Contribute to the wiki}} {{Quest Objective|15|Vandalize the wiki}} }} {{Quest Stage|30|finishes=complete|I have contributed to the wiki.}} {{Quest Stage|40|finishes=fail|I vandalized the wiki.}} {{Quest Stages-End |empty = 5, 25, 35, 45 |globals = 1 }}
- The following empty quest stages were omitted from the table: 5, 25, 35, 45
- Text containing
will be replaced with the value of the appropriate variables at runtime}}