Enderal:Lost Hearts

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Lost Hearts
Quest Giver: Any Wishing Well
Location(s): Sun Coast, Goldenforest, Deep Digger's Hollow, Powder Desert
Rewards: - (there's an EP reward, I'll fill it later)
Difficulty: EN-Quest-Ornament-Difficulty02.pngEN-Quest-Ornament-Difficulty02.pngEN-Quest-Ornament-Difficulty02.pngEN-Quest-Ornament-Difficulty01.png Hard


  • Find all wishing wells and return their "lost hearts" to them Quest-Difficulty-3.png
  • Return its heart to the wishing well at the Sun Coast
  • Return its heart to the wishing well in the Goldenforest
  • Return its heart to the wishing well at the Deep Digger's Hollow
  • Return its heart to the wishing well in the Powder Desert

Journal Entries

On my travels I came across a strange well from whose shaft some kind of magical entity spoke to me. It seems that the well - or whatever creature is living in there - needs a certain item to find eternal peace.
Upon completion
On my travels I came across a strange well from whose shaft some kind of magical entity spoke to me. It seems that the well - or whatever creature is living in there - needs a certain item to find eternal peace. I returned all "lost hearts" to the hidden wells on Enderal.

Wishing Well: Sun Coast


From Old Farm House go south. It's really close to the house itself.


A golden chalice, A grass-colored stone, Bring me back this, So I shan't be alone. Bring my heart back to me.


Golden Goblet and Emerald Golden Goblet ID: 00044E6C Emerald ID: 00063B43

Location of Golden Goblet and Emerald

Golden Goblet - Sun Coast: Old Three River Watch (On the wall you can jump down to), Ark: Bank, Ark: Dal Geyss' Estate, Ark: Gaboff's Premium Wares, Ark: The Dancing Nomad, Ark: The Fat Leoran, Frostcliff Tavern, Sun Temple: Emporium, Sun Temple: Treasury.

Emerald - Riverville: Tarhutie Leklerk, Ark: Dal Geyss' Estate, Bank, Family Crypt of the Dal´Marak, Keltyzar, Vyn 11 1.

Choice Reward
Wealth! Endralean penny coin(s) (550)
An artifact. Amulet of the Meadow Spirits (Legendary) [Armor: 0, Weight: 1, Value: 1051, Description: Increases Rhetorics by 11 points. 11% better prices.]
Knowledge! 4 Learning Points

Wishing Well: Goldenforst


Go left from Hermit Cave and follow the coast line until you see huge statue on the left. After that go west (there is a sand road) until you see 4 pillars. The well is on the left side.


The skin made of cloth, the body too small, and though I have eyes I have always been blind. Bring my heart back to me.


Doll ID Code: 00146683

Location of Doll

Hardest to find (sneaky devs). From Mossy Mod Pit go directly south until you reach the place in images. After that go up the stairs, go left of the fallen tree and jump over tree root.

The Doll is in the backpack behind skeleton (pictures)

The Doll can more conveniently be found in Old Myrad Hall (where there's also a Broken Soul Gem). It's on a bed in the Quarters area, left of the massive chest. (location at faint left arrow)

Choice Reward
Wealth Endralean penny coin(s) (750)
An Artifact Bow of the Mad Hermit (Damage: 25 *, Weight: 8, Value: 370, Description: Does 12 * points of fire damage. Hit targets start burning and take damage over time.)
Knowledge 7 Learning Points

Wishing Well: Deep Digger's Hollow


From Deep Digger's Gouge go to the right (south) and follow path. The well is on the right side of the path.


Trapped in the light, Sunk in the stone, I shall last forever, Yet cold and alone. My jags, they are broken, My star pale and void, My laughter has ceased, I will shine no more. Bring my heart back to me.


Broken Soul Gem ID: 000812AD

Location of Broken Soul Gem

Destroyed Abbey, Library - Once you enter Library, go to the right and through door. Broken Soul Gem is on the table. (pictures)

Entropist mage who has Broken Soul Gem can be found in these locations :

Choice Reward
Wealth Endralean penny coin(s) (1000)
An Artifact Blueprint: Black Widow's Elegy (Damage: 42 *, Weight: 10, Value: 662, Description: Does 13 * points of frost damage to Health and Stamina.)
Knowledge 1 Memory Point

To craft Black Widow's Elegy you need: 2 Leather Strips, 75 Spare Parts, 5 Shadow Steel Ingot, Black Soul Gem (filled), 10 Moonstone Ingot.

Wishing Well: Powder Desert


Go north from Soul Bed. When you see sign post, go right (arrow points to Silvergrove). The well is on the right side.


Ancient times upon her face Shining in the sun's golden light, The fruit of this earth, the holds in her hands, A gown made of riches caresses her legs. Bring my heart back to me.


Golden Statue ID: 000812AB

Location of Golden Statue

You can get it by killing Ishmartep in Old Ishmartep. Another one can be found in "The Refuge" Orphanage in one of the secret compartments, during Old Wounds

Choice Reward
A powerful artifact! Corpse Tooth(Damage: 37, Weight: 4, Value: 290, Description: Does a huge amount of additional poison damage with a critical hit.)
Wealth! Endralean penny coin(s) (1500)
Knowledge! 1 Memory Point