
Undercity, Marketplace, Cavern at the Tarpit
UndercityBarracks2MinesPit, UndercityBarracks2MinesEnt

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Tarpit is the main excavation site, where industrious miners are devoted to their monotonous and ceasless trade of extracting various ores. Once you have entered the mine, take notice of a huge platform and a lever nearby. Pull the lever and it will lead you to the level below.
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There is an upper and lower part of the Tarpit. The lower one, however, is accessible only through Tarpit Bedders.
The Blind Miner is in the Tarpid, but you need to go through Tarpit Bedders to reach him.
Under some circumstances, when you reach the bottom, the elevator floor disappears, along with the lever to operate it. This can be corrected by saving, exiting the game, and continuing.