This template is used to insert a quote, preferably at the start of a page or section.
- 1: The quote itself
- speaker: The speaker of said quote (optional)
- context: Context of the quote, such as "when asked about his life", "torwards the player" (optional)
{{Quote| Blasted, blistering blazes! Does this room look like the bosom of a whore to you, or what makes you think you can go around touching anything you get your fingers on?! These documents are confidential, for heck's sake! |speaker = [[Enderal:Constantine Firespark|]] |context = during [[Enderal:The First Steps|]] }}
Blasted, blistering blazes! Does this room look like the bosom of a whore to you, or what makes you think you can go around touching anything you get your fingers on?! These documents are confidential, for heck's sake!
— Constantine Firespark, during The First Steps
{{Quote| Here, put this on, and before you ask: yes, it's necessary. Just trust me. |speaker = [[Enderal:Jespar Dal'Varek|]] }}
{{Quote| Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis est justo, luctus quis dapibus consectetur, interdum nec tellus. Quisque et magna vitae eros semper accumsan. Integer rhoncus nisl vitae hendrerit blandit. In ut turpis eu nibh faucibus mollis. Phasellus ut augue rhoncus, euismod ligula in, sodales est. Sed in sapien velit. Ut blandit libero quis nisi tristique, sed mattis ante mollis. In lacinia, mi id porttitor posuere, nisl nibh vestibulum dui, ut consequat leo dolor nec nunc. |context = Famous internet saying }}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis est justo, luctus quis dapibus consectetur, interdum nec tellus. Quisque et magna vitae eros semper accumsan. Integer rhoncus nisl vitae hendrerit blandit. In ut turpis eu nibh faucibus mollis. Phasellus ut augue rhoncus, euismod ligula in, sodales est. Sed in sapien velit. Ut blandit libero quis nisi tristique, sed mattis ante mollis. In lacinia, mi id porttitor posuere, nisl nibh vestibulum dui, ut consequat leo dolor nec nunc.
— Famous internet saying