From sureai
< Enderal
Talents are special skills that can be aquired by investing Memory Points in Memory trees or in special books. These skills don't have the usual cast time or mana costs. Instead, they behave similar to Skyrim's shouts. Some talents even have Synergies, meaning that two different talents can increase their effects or even create new ones.
Rogue tree:
Branch | Talent | Description | Tier |
Base Talent | Assassination | Boosts Stamina regeneration by 20%. Move more silently. Critical Chance increased by 7%. | I: 25 seconds duration. |
II: 45 seconds duration. | |||
III: 60 seconds duration. | |||
Infiltrator | Flashpowder | Throw a flash poder wich blinds your enemies for a period of time to give you time to hide. Blinded enemies cannot be attacked. | I: 8 seconds duration |
II: 10 seconds duration | |||
III: 12 seconds duration | |||
Ghostwalk | Teleports yourself behind a target, you become invisible for a short period of time and increases your critical hit chance for a short time. | I: 1500 feet distance, critical hit chance increased by 10 percent, 10 seconds invisibility. | |
II: 2000 feet distance, critical hit chance increased by 25 percent, 15 seconds invisibility. | |||
III: 2500 feet distance, critical hit chance increased by 35 percent, 20 seconds invisibility. | |||
Vagrant | Shadowtongue Oil | Throws a bottle that creats a slippery oil puddle upon impact wich lets enemies slip and slows them. | I: Slows enemies by 15 percent |
II: Slows enemies by 25 percent | |||
III: Slows enemies by 40 percent | |||
Starling Spider | Throw a mechanical spider wich attracts the attention of enemies at its destination. If the enemies are close enough - or if you use the talent again - the spider explodes, wich paralyzes enemies for a short period of time and weakens them with a neurotoxin. Poisoned enemies with [sic] are hit take more damage. | I: 75 feet attention radius, 10 seconds poisoned, 25 percent more damage to poisoned enemies | |
II: 125 feet attention radius, 15 seconds poisoned, 35 percent more damage to poisoned enemies | |||
III: 256 feet attention radius, 20 seconds poisoned, 40 percent more damage to poisoned enemies | |||
Trickster | Fire Arrow | Grants you a handful of fire arrows, wich explode upon impact and do fire damage. | I: 3 arrows, do additional 5 points of fire damage, 11 seconds duration |
II: 4 arrows, do additional 7 points of fire damage, 13 seconds duration | |||
III: 5 arrows, do additional 9 points of fire damage, 15 seconds duration | |||
Eye of the Storm | Stops time for your enemies and your surroundings for a short period of time. | I: 6 seconds duration | |
II: 8 seconds duration | |||
III: 12 seconds duration |
Mage tree:
Branch | Talent | Description | Tier |
Base Talent | Focus | Permanent increase to Mana regeneration (+8/second, base 3/s, total 11/s). Lowers cost of all spells by 33%. | I: 15 seconds duration. |
II: 25 seconds duration. | |||
III: 35 seconds duration. | |||
Elementalist | Arctic Wind | Hurls a cone of frost wich shortly freezes your enemies. Frozen enemies get a higher damage resistance but there is a small chance of shattering them with a hit. Shock spells, blunt weapons and power attacks increase the chance to shatter them. | I: Freezes the target for 3 seconds |
II: Freezes the target for 4 seconds | |||
III: Freezes the target for 5 seconds | |||
Shock Nova | Unleashes a wave of electrical energy around you, wich staggers enemies and then summons a lightning bolt hitting them. | I: 10 Shock Damage (Nova), 25 Shock Damage (Lightning) | |
II: 25 Shock Damage (Nova), 50 Shock Damage (Lightning) | |||
III: 35 Shock Damage (Nova), 75 Shock Damage (Lightning) | |||
Thaumaturge | Dimensional Rift | Incapacitate an enemy for a short period of time, absorbs his Mana and Stamina in batches and deals them the drained energy as damage when the effect ends. Especially effective against mages. Can only be used on enemies who are at most 8 levels above you. | I: 11 second duration, drains 40 percent Mana and Stamina and converts them into damage |
II: 15 second duration, drains 50 percent Mana and Stamina and converts them into damage | |||
III: 20 second duration, drains 60 percent Mana and Stamina and converts them into damage | |||
Well of Life | If you would die while this talent is in effect, your Health instantly regenerates and enemies around you are repulsed. | I: 60 seconds duration, heals you for 25 percent of your total health | |
II: 120 seconds duration, heals you for 33 percent of your total health | |||
III: 180 seconds duration, heals you for 50 percent of your total health | |||
Sinistrope | Devour Soul | Devours the soul of a dead enemy and absorbs a part of their Health, Mana and Stamina | I: Absorbs 15 percent of Health |
II: Absorbs 20 percent of Health | |||
III: Absorbs 30 percent of Health | |||
Psionic Veil | Wraps you in a psionic veil for a short period of time, which makes you invisible. Actions such as attacking or activation disrupt the effect. | I: 5 seconds duration | |
II: 7 seconds duration | |||
III: 10 seconds duration | |||
Entropic Blood | Makes an enemy in your slave [sic] for a short period of time, wich fights for you and deal many times more damage. If the slave dies while this talent is in effect, it explodes in a devastating detonation. | I: 20 seconds duration, 2 times damage of the slave, 50 points of entropic damage upon explosion | |
II: 30 seconds duration, 2 and a half times damage of the slave, 75 points of entropic damage upon explosion | |||
III: 45 seconds duration, 3 times damage of the slave, 100 points of entropic damage upon explosion |
Warrior tree:
Branch | Talent | Description | Tier |
Base Talent | Tempest | Reduces the weight of Heavy Armor by 10%, and raises your weapon damage for a short time. | I: 7 seconds duration. X% Damage increase. |
II: 11 seconds duration. X% Damage increase. | |||
III: 15 seconds duration. X% Damage increase. | |||
Vandal | Skaraggian Stance | Increases damage and power of your blows and shield bashes, but also the damage you take yourself. Cannot be stagged [sic] with other combat stances | I: 10 percent more damage, 50 percent more power, 40 percent less damage resistance |
II: 15 percent more damage, 100 percent more power, 30 percent less damage resistance | |||
III: 20 percent more damage, 200 percent more power, 20 percent less damage resistance | |||
Achaic Might | Discharges your power in a shockwave wich staggers enemies and deals high damage to them. Staggering enemies are taking [sic] additional damage. | I: Deals 55 points of damage, staggering enemies [sic] take additional 35 points | |
II: Deals 75 points of damage, staggering enemies [sic] take additional 55 points | |||
III: Deals 100 points of damage, staggering enemies [sic] take additional 75 points | |||
Keeper | Tower of Strength | Makes you nearly invulnerable for a short time. | I: 75 percent damage reduction, 6 seconds |
II: 85 percent damage reduction, 6 seconds | |||
III: 95 percent damage reduction, 6 seconds | |||
Iron Maiden | For a short period of time you throw all taken melee damage back to your enemies. | I: 5 seconds duration | |
II: 7 seconds duration | |||
III: 9 seconds duration | |||
Blade Dancer | Qyranian Stance | Increases attack and moving speed, but lowers your ability to block. Enemies also land critical hits easier. Cannot be stacked with other stances. | I: 10 percent increased attacking and moving speed, 45 percent decreased blocking, 30 percent higher critical hit chance for enemies |
II: 15 percent increased attacking and moving speed, 35 percent decreased blocking, 20 percent higher critical hit chance for enemies | |||
III: 20 percent increased attacking and moving speed, 20 percent decreased blocking, 10 percent higher critical hit chance for enemies | |||
Blade Dance | If you hit an enemy 5 times within 10 seconds after using this talent, the last hit does additional damage and staggers that enemy. | I: Deals 35 points additional damage | |
II: Deals 55 points additional damage | |||
III: Deals 75 points additional damage |
Lycantrophe tree:
Branch | Talent | Description | Tier |
Base Talent | Wolf Blood | Transform into a Werewolf using Wolf Blood potions and "Chymica" potions. | Wolf Form: base 3 minute duration. Strength of Wolf Form determined by Alchemy, then all other stats. |
Lycantrophe | Allows you to use a portable alchemy laboratory on your travels. | I: The potions brewed in the portable laboratory are 20 percent less effective than regular ones. | |
II: The potions brewed in the portable laboratory are 10 percent less effective than regular ones. | |||
III: The potions brewed in the portable laboratory are equal to regular ones. | |||
Emit all of your currently active chymica in a toxic cloud which damages enemies. The effect and strength of the poison depends on the used chymica. | I: Ends the effect of all active chymica. | ||
II: Active chymica have a chance of 25 percent to stay activated. | |||
III: Active chymica have a chance of 50 percent to stay activated. | |||
Emits a terrifying howl which damages nearby enemies. Can only be used in wolf form. | I: Nearby enemies take 40 damage. | ||
II: Nearby enemies take 60 damage. Weak enemies flee. | |||
III: Nearby enemies take 80 damage and stagger. Weak enemies flee. |
Phasmalist tree:
Branch | Talent | Description | Tier |
Base Talent | Net of Souls | Allows seeing and collecting souls for the creation of Talismans. Higher Tiers increase the level of Souls that are visible. | I: 40 seconds duration. Permanently see up to Level 2 Souls at any Tier use. |
II: 50 seconds duration. Permanently see up to Level 4 Souls at any Tier use. | |||
III: 60 seconds duration. Permanently see up to Level 5 Souls at any Tier use. | |||
Phasmalist | You can summon the apparition bound to your equipped amulet. If it dies or leaves the reality due other reasons you are getting Arcane Fever proportionally to the Health the apparition lost since it was summoned. Depending on the class of the apparition, the increase of the fever can be higher than these values. | I: Base increase of Arcane Fever: 7 percent. | |
II: Base increase of Arcane Fever: 6 percent. | |||
III: Base increase of Arcane Fever: 5 percent. | |||
You can receive ectoplasm from killed undead enemies and soul gems from normal corpses. | I: You receive transmuted soul gems and electroplasm [sic]. | ||
II: Less cooldown. | |||
III: Less cooldown. |
Hidden Talents:
Rather than being available via Talent Trees, these talents are acquired through the use of special Talent Books.
Each Tier book requires 1 Memory Point to learn, and several points invested in certain Memory Trees.
Branch | Talent | Description | Tier | Location |
Hidden Talents | Onslaught | Charge at your enemies, deal them a bit of damage and stagger them. Learned from Techniques of Loram Waterblade: Onslaught | I: Requires 5 points in warrior trees. 7 damage, causes stagger, small range. | Location Unknown. |
II: Requires 10 points in warrior trees. 15 damage, causes stagger, medium range. | Location Unknown. | |||
III: Requires 15 points in warrior trees. 20 damage, causes stagger, big range. | Location Unknown. | |||
Glacial Bomb | Throw a Starling bomb made of liquid ice. | I: Requires 5 points in warrior trees. 30 frost damage, freezes for 3 seconds, small range. | Location Unknown. | |
II: Requires 10 points in warrior trees. 60 frost damage, freezes for 4 seconds, medium range. | Location Unknown. | |||
III: Requires 15 points in warrior trees. 90 frost damage, freezes for 5 seconds, big range. | On the Fisherwoman's boat, On the High Sea at the beginning of the quest Part of Something Momentous, Part IV. It is inaccessible by normal means if it is missed. | |||
Psionic Splinter | Makes an enemy fall into rage for 3 seconds. Psionic Skill raises duration and effect, higher tiers enable stronger enemies to be bound by this talent. | I: Requires 5 points in mage trees. Effective on enemies up to level 15 | Location Unknown. | |
II: Requires 10 points in mage trees. Effective on enemies up to level 25 | Location Unknown. | |||
III: Requires 15 points in mage trees. Effective on enemies up to level 35 | Location Unknown. | |||
Unleashed Fury | Deals Entropy damage to enemies in front of you and pushes them back. | Requires no points in memory trees. 90 Entropy damage, causes heavy stagger, small range. | Complete the Quest "Dark Chambers of our Mind" of the Rhalâta Questline, and side with Tharaêl. The book, named as "Faded Folio", be located inside the Locked Chest inside his Hideout. There are no Tiers to this technique. |

This article or section is incomplete.
- Shadowtongue Oil + Fire Arrow
- Entropic Blood + Shock Nova
Verify me
- Shock Nova + Eye of The Storm (from Changelog)
- Shock Nova + Arctic Wind (source)
- Iron Maiden + Heavenstormer (Skybreaker) Armor set